Monica Poole Blocks

When I was in Oxford at the end of March, I spent the afternoon with Society of Wood Engravers (SWE) member extraordinaire Nigel Hamway. With him I had the wonderful opportunity to study some of Monica Poole’s engraved blocks, some familiar images and others that were new to me.

The block used to print the image on the cover of “Monica Poole Wood Engraver” printed by Graham Williams at The Florin Press.

Lovely shell imagery and skilled wood engraving. I was not familiar with this image, but did see it a few days later at the Western Art Print Room at the Ashmolean Museum.

Another gem, I love the boldness of the design.

I studied (and photographed) most of the blocks viewing them reflecting the light off of the sheen of the block’s surface. The image seen this way often looks like a negative.

A favorite, “Dry September”.


What do you think this is an image of? Monica engraved the textures of rock, flint and bone.